
How to Avoid Stress Eating and Drinking

During the Covid Pandemic, there has been a mix of stresses faced by individuals; financial stress, stress from potential job loss and, stress about the safety and health of loved ones to name a few. While for some people, work from home has been a boon and a bonus, for quite a few, that too has become a source of major stress. And being at home when stressed could also translate to easy access to food and drink!  Stress has a serious impact on our eating patterns and appetite. The brain’s emotional control center is a small, almond-shaped region called the amygdala. This region plays a crucial role in recognizing not only one’s own emotions but also recognizing them in other people. This is also the region of the brain that is responsible for the fight or flight response when confronted with danger in living organisms. Research carried out by Tonegawa Lab in Cambridge, MA, shows that the amygdala also demonstrates two inbuilt pathways, that drive and suppress appetite. Research fr...

4 Tips to help your Employees Deal with Work Stress at Home

The Covid -19 pandemic. Stress is everywhere.  Peoples’ definitions of stress have been redefined. There definitely wasn’t a lack of stress before in our lives, but now it is rampant. Stress has managed to permeate into the safe space of the four walls of our homes and now, there’s even a faint line of separation within work and home. Stress has now drifted through age groups and even little children are being affected by the environment.  This global situation was totally unforeseen and unanticipated. It has impacted individuals’ professional and personal environments, relationships, lifestyles, health, and economic circumstances.  Needless to say, stress levels are through the roof. A global report on employee burnout reported that employee burnout was at 72% in August 2020. And, that this burnout was the most stressful aspect that had been experienced in 2020. According to Monster (the global employment platform), 69% of remote workers reported having experienced burno...

How to Have That Difficult Conversation with Your Boss: 3 Steps to Lead You to Productive Conversations

  In one study investigating employee experiences with speaking up, 85% of respondents reported at least one occasion when they felt unable to raise a concern with their bosses, even though they believed the issue was important.” ―  Amy C. Edmondson     Conversations with people at work have a strong impact on our careers, stronger than we imagine. Well at least stronger than I ever imagined during my younger days.   How you conduct yourself during that conversation, present your argument/ opinion and how you receive the other person’s response; all play a huge part in shaping your career.   Through the years, while I outwardly presented myself as a confident, young executive; I often had an internal tussle going on for me. I was always unsure of how to present my thoughts or arguments, especially with someone senior to me.   I was nervous about how an opinion from me would be received by my manager, how my HR manager  would  react if I asked...

How to unblock limits to success at work

 Every once in a while allow yourself to look at the blue-sky scenario of your life    Have you ever allowed yourself to dream really big? Have you dared to dream big? Visualized your ideal life without any barriers or blocks to it. A blue-sky scenario for your life.   Have you done this exercise either for the business you’re running or the one for which you work?   A limitless visualization of how you see your life whether professionally or personally is so important. It allows you to dream big. It gives you the permission to think of things you otherwise would never imagine. Give yourself an opportunity to let your imagination run wild.   Watch where your imagination goes, watch yourself soar high. Write down those visions somewhere and store them safely.    Don’t let any clouds block the view of your blue sky.   And. If there are clouds that come into your vision, clouds of doubts that begin to limit your vision, unseen barriers that star...

What is stress? Why do we get stressed? What is Chronic Stress? How do we get control our stress?

What is stress?   The definition of stress is stress is a biological and psychological response experienced on encountering a threat that we feel we do not have the adequate resources to deal with the stressor. Biologically speaking the reaction to stress that occurs in our bodies is a response to the ever so ancient survival mechanism in us humans. Otherwise known as the fight or flight response that occurs in animals to react quickly life-threatening situations.   Unfortunately, the stressors in modern times now include traffic jams, work pressure, financial difficulties and relationship problems. However, the response to stress remains as primordial as ever.  Now for a bit of biology (for the science nerd in me), you can skip this part if not interested!   Why do we get stressed?   After experiencing a stressful event, the amygdala, the area of the brain responsible for generating emotional responses, sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus. This par...

Stress Buster Tip # 1 - Have you ever heard of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping?

  The underlying principle of Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is that all emotions and thoughts are forms of energy; this energy, whether positive or negative, has very real physical manifestations that affect all functions of the body.   T he concept of EFT can also be explained as combining acupressure with talking therapy. It involves tapping along the end points of “energy meridians” located around the body in order to reduce tension and promote a deeper mind-body connection. The specific points used for tapping promote physical and emotional healing. This is typically combined with speaking out the emotions that are being experienced by the person at the time. These could be either in conjunction with a past situation or right there in the moment of feeling a certain negative emotion. For example: It can be used right there in the moment to calm one’s self down when experiencing stress or anxiety or anger or even pain.   People use EFT tapping techniques for: · ...

YOLO! You Only Live Once!

When was the last time you took a conscious break from work and really enjoyed your time off?  The truth is so many of us are so wrapped up in checking the right boxes as soon as we graduate from University and start working, that we forget life is meant to be enjoyed as well. We make so many sacrifices to reach goals outside of ourselves, we sometimes forget the more meaningful aspects of life.   Life gives us names, designations, responsibilities, roles to play; however, we forget we are also individuals with our own identities. And some where along the way aspects of our own individual goals and individuality get lost.   Yes, life takes over. Some days will seem more overwhelming than others. Other priorities come into play.   Perhaps, we can’t take those leisurely two hours off to ourselves every day or week even. However, we can take off short periods of time to begin with. 🌻 If you can no longer do that hour long workout you used to, take 20 minutes out every ...