
Showing posts from July, 2020

How to unblock limits to success at work

 Every once in a while allow yourself to look at the blue-sky scenario of your life    Have you ever allowed yourself to dream really big? Have you dared to dream big? Visualized your ideal life without any barriers or blocks to it. A blue-sky scenario for your life.   Have you done this exercise either for the business you’re running or the one for which you work?   A limitless visualization of how you see your life whether professionally or personally is so important. It allows you to dream big. It gives you the permission to think of things you otherwise would never imagine. Give yourself an opportunity to let your imagination run wild.   Watch where your imagination goes, watch yourself soar high. Write down those visions somewhere and store them safely.    Don’t let any clouds block the view of your blue sky.   And. If there are clouds that come into your vision, clouds of doubts that begin to limit your vision, unseen barriers that star...

What is stress? Why do we get stressed? What is Chronic Stress? How do we get control our stress?

What is stress?   The definition of stress is stress is a biological and psychological response experienced on encountering a threat that we feel we do not have the adequate resources to deal with the stressor. Biologically speaking the reaction to stress that occurs in our bodies is a response to the ever so ancient survival mechanism in us humans. Otherwise known as the fight or flight response that occurs in animals to react quickly life-threatening situations.   Unfortunately, the stressors in modern times now include traffic jams, work pressure, financial difficulties and relationship problems. However, the response to stress remains as primordial as ever.  Now for a bit of biology (for the science nerd in me), you can skip this part if not interested!   Why do we get stressed?   After experiencing a stressful event, the amygdala, the area of the brain responsible for generating emotional responses, sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus. This par...