How to Avoid Stress Eating and Drinking

During the Covid Pandemic, there has been a mix of stresses faced by individuals; financial stress, stress from potential job loss and, stress about the safety and health of loved ones to name a few. While for some people, work from home has been a boon and a bonus, for quite a few, that too has become a source of major stress. And being at home when stressed could also translate to easy access to food and drink! Stress has a serious impact on our eating patterns and appetite. The brain’s emotional control center is a small, almond-shaped region called the amygdala. This region plays a crucial role in recognizing not only one’s own emotions but also recognizing them in other people. This is also the region of the brain that is responsible for the fight or flight response when confronted with danger in living organisms. Research carried out by Tonegawa Lab in Cambridge, MA, shows that the amygdala also demonstrates two inbuilt pathways, that drive and suppress appetite. Research fr...