Do you ever feel that you have sold yourself out and desperately want to reclaim your life back?

One typically starts their working life with many positive qualities such as adaptability, resilience, motivation; expectations and rosy visions about how life is going to turn out. Somewhere along time, they get forgotten. These inner core values get trampled upon. They more often than not, either replaced or taken over with feelings such as stress, anxiety, insecurity and the list can go on forever. Factors such as physical exhaustion, mental stress emotional burn out are usually the cause of this sad turn of events. And then the questions start. “What happened to me?” “I was never this person.” “Why am I so anxious all the time?” As a result, the quest to regaining the balance in life and keeping one’s life on track begins. However, it doesn't have to always be this way. The so called “rat race” in my opinion is called that because one forgets somewhere along the line that the “rats” or individuals in the race are actually humans. Humans who have beating hearts, who feel...