How to Have That Difficult Conversation with Your Boss: 3 Steps to Lead You to Productive Conversations

In one study investigating employee experiences with speaking up, 85% of respondents reported at least one occasion when they felt unable to raise a concern with their bosses, even though they believed the issue was important.” ― Amy C. Edmondson Conversations with people at work have a strong impact on our careers, stronger than we imagine. Well at least stronger than I ever imagined during my younger days. How you conduct yourself during that conversation, present your argument/ opinion and how you receive the other person’s response; all play a huge part in shaping your career. Through the years, while I outwardly presented myself as a confident, young executive; I often had an internal tussle going on for me. I was always unsure of how to present my thoughts or arguments, especially with someone senior to me. I was nervous about how an opinion from me would be received by my manager, how my HR manager would react if I asked...