Your Now is Not Your Forever



How many times have we had the feeling that the situation we’re in is never going to end? We’re never going to stop feeling so miserable, so stressed or so anxious. In the current circumstances, despite of which part of the globe you’re in, most of us have at some point felt that this lockdown, this feeling of being stuck in our own homes is never going to end.


Everyone goes through this at some point in time or the other in their lives. While we’re students, while were young, stressed out working professionals, while we’re anxious parents to young toddlers going through sleep regression right through to your kids’ teenage years; you get my drift - it simply seems never ending!  


Well the reality is that life is not static, it is ever changing as are us human beings. However, while we’re in that moment, we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. We can’t find the silver lining to that cloud or the lesson to that experience; it seems impossible.


That's what happened to me a few years ago. I felt stuck. I was stressed and anxious and couldn’t find a balance between the life I led and the life I wanted to lead. I was fed up with the daily stress of life. I couldn't see the light at the end of a seemingly never-ending tunnel. I knew my life was off track and that the constant stress I felt wasn’t normal and more importantly wasn’t healthy for me. By chance, I came upon an opportunity to do some inner work.  Guided introspection, that taught me how to cope with what life deals you and how to keep stress at bay. I learned it in 3 simple steps. And now I share this same teaching with individuals who are facing the same issues in life and help them keep their lives on track and find the balance that they want in life.


Here are three easy tips for you to instantly feel better in the moment when anxiety hits! And you can even do these while sitting at your work desk.


1.  BREATHE: Take a deep breath in and sigh it out really loudly, almost like when you yawn. And as you are breathing out, let your neck and shoulders really relax – let them slump. You’ll feel the tension releasing instantly.

2.  LOOK UP: When you're really feeling down in the dumps – look up and at life. Literally speaking. Sit up, check the position of your chin and make sure it is not buried somewhere between your neck and your chin. Look up and straight ahead. It instantly changes the physiology of the body.

3.  SHAKE THE TENSION OUT! Shake out each limb of yours feeling the physical tension ebb away. Shake your neck side to side (people with cervical spine issues please do so with caution); wiggle your neck, shake out your arms, your fingers and do the same with your toes. You’ll feel lighter instantly! Literally shake the tension off of you.

(Now this may or may or not be possible at your workplace, but you can always hide out in the washroom and do this!)


Of course, other usual suggestions of meditation, long walks, journaling, music etc. all remain; however, in that very moment – these are some instantaneous mood boosters! Try them out and let me know which worked best for you!

Also, drop me a line if you're interested in a no obligation free 30 minute chat to discuss my coaching  services. 


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